May Month continues with part II of customguitarboutique.com series of interviews with Mayones players.
This week former POS (...that is Pain of Salvation to you) bass virtuoso Kristoffer Gildenlöw get's in the hot seat to talk about his 11 years with POS, his band Dial, his gear, touring and influences.
This interview was a rare treat, it is not often that you find such and extraordinary talent coupled with humility.
Kris' has released a very exclusive limited edition of his latest album.
If you are interested in this sign up for Kris' newsletter at: kristoffergildenlow@yahoo.com
CustomGuitarBoutique: Let’s start from the beginning how did you generate interest in the Bass?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Very shallow actually... they look sooo good ;)
They really stand out in any booth at any music-fair.
CGB: How did your endorsement with Mayones come about?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: I ran into them at the European Bass Day in 2004.
As I said, they really stood out and I couldn't help trying them out.
That's when it struck me how wonderful they play and how great they sound.
In a way it was love at first sight. But I already had some very good instruments and didn't actually need more basses.
But we just got along so good (Dawid and former Ar&R Piotr) and we kept contact. They were just getting out into the Western Europe and really interested in me and PoS.
Then one thing lead to another and pretty quickly I had ordered two 6-stringed Comodous basses with everything on 'em.
They were delivered to me in Essen (Germany) during the first leg of our European tour 2005 (this can be seen on the latest PoS DVD actually).
I've been so grateful for these instruments ever since and I'm privileged to be a part of the Mayones Family.
CGB: When did you finally realize you could earn a living Playing professionally?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Interesting question... I'm not. I never have been either.
Being musician within progressive music is very hard. It's a very small audience and may, many bands wanting their attention.
Even with Pain of Salvation, I had a regular job on the side and took time off whenever we needed to record or tour. Daniel is actually the only one who can make a living out of it, and that's not a fancy rock-star-life either. Still, after 20+ albums and DVD's, I'm still dreaming of being a full time musician.
I guess I could, but that would mean that I'd have to take every possible gig on my path, cover bands, wedding bands... I'm not selling myself short and only do what I want to do, that way I can still enjoy music and keep the quality high.
After 11 years in PoS and working my fingers down to the bone for everything we did, after a while, it's much more work than pleasure and that's a joy- and creativity killer in deed. I actually have more fun with music these days.
CGB: How has life changed since the days of Pain of Salvation in comparison to Dial?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: The last year of PoS, DIAL already existed.
It was (and still is) a hobby band. I was living in Holland and the rest of the guys in Sweden.
My wife (also a bass payer and Mayones endorser) had just left her band and we were both looking for a musical out-put.
Together with a friend we started making music with a couple of guitars in our living room. After a while it got clear that it just didn't work out with the distance and I left PoS. It was then we started to put more time and effort into DIAL.
We thought we'd make a demo for our selves to show family and friends. One thing lead to another and it turned out to be a fully produced and mastered album with a record label and a worldwide release.
In PoS I was more in the background when it came to composing. Let's say that the way we composed music in PoS didn't actually fit my ways and I never really got it going.
After making Synchronized with DIAL, a completely new, creative music world opened up for me. Today I'm much more musical than I have ever been and I have so many ideas, songs and arrangements in my head that I just don't have time to work on it all.
I've also taken a step into session work and get several recording requests each year. This year, so far, I've agreed to record four albums for other bands and artists. Two are already recorded and I'm starting with the third one this week.
I've also started to record one of several solo-projects of mine. One by one I hope to work 'em out and do something with 'em.
CGB: Be honest! What part of the world do you prefer to play the most and why?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Each part of the world has their own pro's and con's.
I love traveling and cultures and to learn about other people and their ways.
The downside with playing (read touring) as that you have very little time left to actually go out and greet the locations you're at.
You wake up, get out of the touring bus, go into the venue and have a bread-and-jam breakfast together with some candy, you sound check, you warm up, you play, you cool down, you get back into the bus, you sleep and you wake up again the next day to do it all over again.
Most venues are outside the cities and centres so even if you do get some time to spare, you have nowhere to go. But.... I'd love to do it al over again. :)
CGB: Besides Mayones Guitars, what is some of the other gear you are using these days?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Of course I use Mayones guitars for live and recordings.
These guys really know what they're doing.
For DIAL I also use the Line 6 Variax and the Line 6 Pod XT to make it work live. There's no way I can change between electric and acoustic instruments four times per song, so this is a great solution. I have an old double bass and a school-cello that I've used for PoS, DIAL and lately on the Omnia recordings.
I use Maruszczyk amps and very cool Taurus Effect Pedals.
In my composing and recording I also use several other instruments, like acoustic guitars, electrical piano, a mandolin, a piccolo bass and even a Midi drum-kit.
CGB: So we know you have the chops to hold your own doing everything from Guitars, basses, keyboards Vocals and a few other instruments, what other instruments do you wish to pursue if any?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Mayones are coming with a new guitar that I'm very interested in - Legend. Looks like a mix between a les Paul, a Telecaster and a PRS. It sounds great with single coils through a nice tube amp.
I was talking to Ned Steinberger at the Frankfurt Messe as I'm very interested in going electric with my cello and double bass. That would save me lots of problems in transportation and feedback on stage.
I also had a talk with Laboga and I'll probably go for a small Tube combo for recordings.
G-lab also make a great Wah-wah pedal that just sound so amazing on bass. This one is pretty high on my list at the moment.
Other than that, I'd love to have a nice Ampeg 8x10" cab with a classic head. I've always sounded the best with Ampeg and I've always used it with PoS. I sold my stack though when I quit the band, as I couldn't bring it with me down to Holland.
One day I hope I'll be able to regain that wonderful tube-sound.
CGB: What doesn’t the guitar and Bass world know about Kristoffer Gildenlöw, the Swedish Bass virtuoso?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Much I guess. I'm pretty much incognito and very down to earth. As I said, I have a regular job, normal day-to-day things to do, like grocery, bringing my daughter to school, cleaning the car, getting rid of weed in the back yard.. :)
I don't see my self as a rock star, because I'm simply not, and I don't see my self as a bass virtuoso. Actually, I'm not that good of a bass player ;)
CGB: What can your American fans expect to see in 2010 from you?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Well, I hope you'll be able to hear my playing on several releases this year.
Ruud Jolie (solo album from Within Temptation guitarist and Mayones player), Ian Parry's Concortium (his fifth and final Consortium album) , Omnia (pagan/Irish folk-rock music), Arcan's Origin (progressive Metal Concept album from Samuel Arkan - also Mayones player) and Niels Vejlyt (Danish guitar virtuoso).
I've started to record my first (solo) album, which contains a minimum of bass. Very soft, and relaxed songs. Fredrik Hermansson (PoS) will join me on piano and keyboards and Ruud Jolie (WT) on guitars.
We'll probably start the recordings of the debut album of Shadow Theory. A new project of Devon Graves (Psychotic Waltz, DeadSoul Tribe), released through InsideOut Music.
Not quite sure of the time-line there, if we'll be able to release it this year, otherwise it'll come out next year.
CGB: What advice would you give to up and coming guitar players that want a career in music?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: Enjoy your selves. It's hard, hard work and it can be very frustrating. It's not like it used to be, when you score a record deal and become a famous, rich rock-star over night.
Only a small part can actually make a living out of it and an even smaller part will make it good. Knowing and accepting this will save you lots of frustration but don't ever loose faith or give up. Music is a way of expression, a way to live, you can't stop expressing your self or stop living.
The keyword to success is: connection.
It doesn't mater if you're the best guitar-player (or any other instrument) if you're stuck in your bedroom rehearsing your fingers to the bones. Socialize and meet people. It's all about whom you know and how you approach your self and other people around you.
That will open up many doors. Being a good musician always comes second (but then again... that's when you have to live up to your reputation, so make sure you don't pat your self too much on the back.)
A bad reputation is very hard to get rid off.
CGB: In your opinion, who is the most influential Guitar Player/Bass Player of all time?
Kristoffer Gildenlöw: I guess I have to be very standard in this answer.
I know what has inspired me all these years but in general, the most influential guitar players must be Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Mark Knopfler, Brian May and David Gilmour.
I think, that if you made a poll with every musician in the world, these names would be the top. The same goes for bass players: Jaco Pastorius, John Entwistle Marcus Miller, Stanley Clark, Bootsy Collins...
I take my inspiration from many different places. Mostly I "steal" techniques from top players (no matter what instrument) and then try to make it into something I can use for my own.
Nature and life it self is then filling my head with music, rhythms and melodies.
Customguitarboutique.com is the premier dealer for Mayones guitars and Basses, and the exclusive dealer for DL Cables.
Please contact us if you are interested in purchasing Mayones and DL cables.
We would also like to thank Mark van Eijk for the super cool pic.
See ya next week
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